近場麥克風掃描系統 NFS
完整取得喇叭系統, 單體的音場分佈
不必建造昂貴的無響室, 設備可搬移到不同場域使用
- 適用於各類電聲裝置
- 取得3D及遠場電聲資訊
- 準確的振幅及相位響應
- 測試中檢查顥示可行性及對稱性
- 半球面及全球面的測量選擇
- 輕量型的掃描裝置系統
- 特為陣列揚聲器的多工測量設計
- 空間任何一點的音壓輸出值 SPL at any point in 3D space
- 近場及遠場的指向性觀察 Directivity in near and far field
- 各角位高解析度觀察 High angular resolution
- 輸出氣球極座標圖 Balloon / polar plot
- 聲功率響應圖 Power response
- 無需移動測試單體音響 Non-moving loudspeaker
- 開放匯出介面 Open export interface
- 無需在無響室環境測量 Non-anechoic measurement
- 快速測量 Fast measurement
- 整體綜觀幅射信號資料 Comprehensive radiation data set
- 輕量型可移動的測量設備 Portable measurement equipment
- 可調整的測量呎吋空間 Flexible dimensions
- 可忽略自設備產生的反射信號 Negligible reflections from equipment
可承載重達 500 公斤的喇叭重量 Applicable to large loudspeakers (500 kg)
近場麥克風掃描儀全自動測得揚聲器系統的直接音音場, 可掃描觀察發散音場中任何一個角度及任何一個距離的音壓,方生性, 聲功率及其它許多重要的參數。 適用於監聽喇叭, 手機裝置以及專業音響等各種應用系統。 自我設定所需測試點數, 完整的呈現近場及遠場在音場上的重要資訊。 The Near-Field-Scanner 3D (NFS) offers a fully automated acoustic measurement of direct sound radiated from the source under test. The radiated sound is determined in any desired distance and angle in the 3D space outside the scanning surface. Directivity, sound power, SPL response and many more key figures are obtained for any kind of loudspeaker and audio system in near field applications (e.g. studio monitors, mobile devices) as well as far field applications (e.g. professional audio systems). Utilizing a minimum of measurement points, a comprehensive data set is generated containing the loudspeaker's high resolution, free field sound radiation in the near and far field.
Applicable to large loudspeakers
Due to non-moving loudspeaker, large Loudspeakers can be measured, being supported by a crane from ceiling.
Avoiding air diffraction problems for far field measurements
Far field measurements of large loudspeakers will require large anechoic chambers to ensure far field conditions. Such measurements suffer from diffraction problems caused by temperature differences in the air over distance and time, leading to high errors in the phase response in upper frequency bands. A temperature change of only 2°C will result in a phase error of 180 degree at 10kHz in 5m measurement distance.
No anechoic room needed
Radiated sound can be separated from reflected sound of the room by using field separation technique.
Higher accuracy than anechoic chamber measurement
No room correction curve needed below 100Hz.
Fast measurement
Standard 3D acoustic measurements like sound power are done in less than 20 minutes for typical 2-way systems.
High Signal-to-Noise-Ratio
High sound pressure level in near field. Less critical ambient noise requirements.
Comprehensive radiation data set
Radiation data set gained from near field measurement provides SPL at any point in 3D space.
Near and far field data is provided without the need of further measurements.
Provides full 3D Near Field Data
Near field data is provided at any point outside the scanned surface.
High angular resolution <1° with low number of points
Angular resolution is not depending on number of measurement points
(Traditional far field measurements require 64800 measurement points for 1° Resolution)
The Near-Field Scanner 3D uses a moving microphone to scan the sound pressure in the near field of a compact sound source such as a loudspeaker system or a transducer mounted in a baffle. The device under test (< 500 kg) does not move during the scanning process. The reflections in the non-anechoic environment are then consistent and can be monitored with our novel analysis software, which uses acoustical holography and field separation techniques to extract the direct sound and to reduce room reflections.