Sweep it S2 懸臂黑膠清潔刷
Sweet it S2
-音響專家 Klaus Mick 專利設計懸浮手臂
唱盤在運轉或擺放時. 不僅承接有空氣中落下的灰塵毛屑. 還有電氣導通前, 唱盤唱片本身帶有的靜電; 這靜電繼續導致灰塵積聚. 使得唱針在軌道運動受到干擾, 不但產生沙沙的炒豆聲, 相對音質也不純淨. 為了保護心愛的唱片以及唱針. 每次開機使用之前. 養成習慣先作好清潔是很重要的 !
Magnetically Stabilized Record BroomEasy and effective cleaning arm
Record brooms have been around since the early 1970s. Some of them do a good job, some rather not. In many cases the brush rushes towards the middle of the platter, running out of sync with the tonearm. This phenomenon is known as skating. Recent developments aim to tackle this problem. Here the highly efficient neodymium magnet comes into play. These magnets are used to stabilize the record broom of the Sweep it S2. Sweep it S2 is constructed in collaboration with Klaus Mick and uses his patented technology to stabilize the record broom. Extensive theoretical and empirical research has been put into the development of this product.
The magnetic attraction between the neodymium magnet – based in the top part of the cylinder – and the [Fe] core/counterweight stabilizes the record brush. Moreover, the distance between the neodymium magnet and the [Fe] core/counterweight is carefully chosen to ensure a specific magnetic stabilization force. As the aluminium of the brusharm is paramagnetic, it acts like an additional space between the neodymium magnet and the [Fe] core/counterweight.
Sweep it S2 is height adjustable within a range of about 1cm. The position can be locked with the set screw on the base. With this mechanism, it is possible to adjust the height of the arm of the record broom in order to align it horizontally with the platter. A correct horizontal alignment ensures the correct tracking force of about 6g.
Flexible placement
The record broom can be placed in one of two left hand side corners of the turntable. The placement is depending on the type and shape of your turntable. At the optimal position the brush should align with the spindle (i.e. the center of the platter). Deviations (relative to the spindle) between 1,5 to 2 cm are well compensated by design of the Sweep it S2. Higher deviations can cause more drastic skating effects.
Technical SpecificationsWeight 430 g
Total arm length 226 mm
Total height 65 mm - 75 mm
Base diameter 46 mm
Arm material Aluminium
Colours Black, Silver
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