[媒體報導]Super-Shallow High-Excursion Speakers Speaking of Something Completely Different......2020/08/06Guest Editorial Mike Klasco mike@menloscientific.com Sup...
[媒體報導]Sound Matters Because soundmatters And Now for Something Completely Different......2020/08/06Guest Editorial Mike Klasco mike@menloscientific.com Sound Matters Because soundmatters And Now for Something Completely Different... ...
[線上課程]聲學陣列系統概要 Acoustic Array Systems in a Nutshell...2020/06/10
[線上課程]KLIPPEL Webinar 線上教學計劃...2020/04/17
[線上課程]KLIPPEL LIVE...2020/04/17Acoustical Measurement of Sound System Equipment according to IEC 60268-21 KLIPPEL LIVE is an informative new webinar series as we continue to educate and support loudspeaker designers and manufacturers around the globe. To kick this off, we start with a 16 part series about using the IEC 60268-21 acoustical measurement standard, perfect for anyone working with speakers, headphone and other audio devices. &...
[研討會訊息]2019年KLIPPEL研討會 @逢甲大學...2019/07/25
[媒體報導]GQ - 無死角的創新聆聽體驗-Upstage 360無線喇叭...2018/04/06